Resultados: 10

Validação Semântica das versões curtas das Escalas de Medição do Quociente de Empatia/Sistematização e caracterização empática e sistemática de graduandos de enfermagem brasileiros e portugueses

Empatia é a capacidade que temos de entender e compreender o outro. É um sentimento essencial no relacionamento interpessoal e importante entre os profissionais da área da saúde bem como com os pacientes. Os profissionais da enfermagem são os que estão diretamente em contato com os pacientes em tem...

Avaliação da empatia de graduandos de enfermagem

Resumo Objetivo Verificar o grau de empatia de estudantes de enfermagem de um curso de universidade pública de um estado da região Sudeste do Brasil e avaliar seu perfil em relação aos domínios: Tomada de Perspectiva, Flexibilidade Interpessoal, Altruísmo e Sensibilidade Afetiva. Métodos Estud...

Implementing Peer Tutoring for the Development of Empathy in Nursing Education

Invest. educ. enferm; 39 (2), 2021
Objective. This research sets out the effects of a training method based on peer tutoring, aimed at developing empathy among nursing students at the University of Barcelona (Spain). Methods. After initial training, students are matched in pairs with similar level of empathy, exchanging the role of tutor ...

Empathic decline and training in nursing students

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 54 (), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective The objective of this article is to examine whether the levels of empathy fit the concept of empathic decline. Method This was a non-experimental and cross-sectional study. Two populations of nursing students in two nursing programs were studied: Universidad San Sebastián (Santiag...

Empathy, emotional intelligence, and communication in Nursing: The moderating effect of the organizational factors

Objective: to evaluate the relation and the moderating effect of the organizational factors on the attitudes towards communication, empathy, and emotional intelligence in the nurses. Method: a cross-sectional study was conducted with a convenience sample of 268 nurses from Valencia, Spain. The attitudes...

How to measure the empathy level of undergraduate nursing students? An integrative review

ABSTRACT Objective: analyze available evidence in the literature on the measuring of empathy levels in nursing undergraduates. Method: integrative literature review developed in the databases PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL and LILACS in September 2017. Results: among the 40 primary studies analyzed,...

El desarrollo humano en la formación profesional de enfermería

El propósito de la presente investigación fue identificar si se aplican y cómo se aplican las actitudes básicas de la relación de ayuda en el "enfoque centrado en la persona" durante la práctica clínica de los alumnos de enfermería. Se trabajó con 22 alumnos en un estudio cualitativo con orienta...

Teaching strategies: promoting the development of moral competence in undergraduate students

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (supl.4), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify strategies and spaces used by professors to promote the development of the moral competence of nursing undergraduate students. Method: Qualitative research, developed with 20 nursing professors, through a semi-structured interview, from July to October 2016. Data were su...

Empatia en estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad Mayor, sede Temuco, IX región, Chile

Aquichan; 14 (3), 2014
Objetivo: estimar la orientación empática y el comportamiento de la estructura del constructo empatia en los estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad Mayor, sede Temuco (Chile). Materiales y métodos: se aplicó la Escala de Empatia Médica de Jefferson en la versión en español para estudiantes, ...

Evaluation of the empathic skills of nursing students with respect to the classes they are attending

The study was carried out, as a descriptive and comparative one, with the aim of evaluating the empathic skills of the students of the Nursing Department of Sakarya University School of Health Sciences. The universe of the study comprised 139 students . The sampling comprised 104 students who had been ab...